Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hepi 8th Anniversary

Semalam... genap 8 tahun anniversary aku dengan isteri yang disayangi... Balik je ada kek cheese (favorite aku) dan juga mee goreng (juga kegemaran aku)... makan bersama anak2 hasil dari 8 tahun bersama...

Dalam 8 tahun, pelbagai suka-duka ditempuhi... orang tua-tua cakap.. First three years is very challenging to couples, the first 5 years, if succeed, we just managed to form cooperation.. After 10 years, if the bond firm with lots of understanding, it should last forever..

yup.. agree sebab the first three years, dugaan berkeluarga cukup perit dilalui... Ada yang tewas dan ada yang berjaya.. dan Alhamdulillah aku berjaya lalui walaupun ada ketika hampir tewas... and true, after 5 years, we are just starting to know each other better but still had lots to understand... And hopefully we can pass the 10 years and last long till we die... InsyaAllah..

For my wife ... Love You

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