Friday, April 10, 2015

Viva - Lesson Learn

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah S.W.T, my Master's viva went well. Although it took me about two and a half hours to complete and convince the panel, the 'drama' finally ended. I got 'minor correction' and were given 6 months to comply and submit the hard-binded thesis.

Beside the news, I would like to share the lesson learnt from the viva (only for Master ya :))

  1. Make sure you used SIMPLE word. AVOID using bombastic word. I did that and it confused the panel. For example, I used the word 'formulate' to replace the word construct/develop. Since the panel coming from different background, they thought that I used some rules or formula whereas I'm actually critically analysed and used lots of qualitative argument.
  2. Try to AVOID 'decision-box' in your flowchart. Despite the decision make is your decision, but the panel may confuse with the decision especially when you generalizing the reason/rule used to decide and subjective to individual. To panel/reader, they might think that the flowchart is usable to other researcher and hence, if the other researcher follow the flowchart, they may derive different result.
  3. USE positive words to describe negative things, for instance, 'previous works failed to', 'the solutions failed', 'the work did not succeed', etc. can be replaced with 'improve earlier work', 'resolve gaps in previous solution', etc.
  4. Limit your research objective (for Master ok) to three maximum and limit your evaluation or simulation to not more than three. Keep the rest for future work :)
  5. Have your thesis read by as many people as you can get and from different skill/background. For example, if you are from engineering background, have your friends from statistical, accounting, business, etc to read it. You will have gain different perspective and point :)

That's all :)

My viva slide is downloadable at:


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