Sunday, September 28, 2014

Proton Iriz - My view

Yesterday, together with family, we went to Proton's Carnival (Alami) @ Proton CoE, Subang. Reason was just to see the new Proton Iriz and here is what I thought:
1. Proton needs to find a very superb sales-person that have good PR. Don't feel they have them.
2. Proton Iriz - Nice, elegant and value for money... but only for youngsters, just married couples, just got job person or small family with 2 kids or slim body. The first time I went into it, very impressive.. it is just that I almost had my head banging on the door because it is too low for me. And yes, with my size, you can sit behind nicely but doubly on comfortably. I'm not that impressive on the car internal system and its security system with 6 airbags as I'm not kind of person whom will drive like many kancil, viva and myvi owner and didn't realize that they can become lempeng if they bump into accident. I wish that the height of could be higher for me to go in and out easily.

3. Proton Iriz is just another version of Proton Savvy (from my eyes).. Why did I said that?... I bump into Proton Savvy on the way out after looking at Iriz. It looks damn similar. Just the size and internal varies. Others, if you put side by side with same color, it would be rather difficult to the eyes to compare. Especially when it put on the road.

However, if I'm still single or just marry, I will give Iriz a try :) and I still give them

Now, what am I'm expecting in the future from Proton.
1. On the way back, We ride on the electric version of Proton Exora. I've no complaint and wish that Proton could speed-up their work on their EEV car which known as Proton REEV. And hopefully, government will put this in their budget; to have more charging station for EEV.

2. They did good work on Iriz (not on the size), and hope that their manufacturing output did not disappointing many 'will-be' the car owner. I still owned Proton Wira (it is my first car) and still love it. Don't find better Proton's car then Wira, especially on its aircond system.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Membaiki Kunci Pintu Rumah jenis 'Cylinder Dead-Lock'

Pintu rumah aku pecah gara-gara terlebih pulas dan hentaman pintu berulang kali kerana angin kuat. Untuk menjimatkan belanja, aku cuba baiki sendiri dengan cari kunci serupa serta cara pemasangannya. Namun, agak kecewa kerana didalam kebanyakkan laman sesawang, kunci yang dipaparkan tidak serupa atau cara pemasangannya tidak lengkap. Malah, video @ youtube juga tidak membantu.

Setelah belajar sendiri (dengan tunjuk ajar mertua) dan memahami caranya, aku berhasrat berkongsi caranya.

Langkah menggantikan kunci pintu jenis Cylinder Dead-Lock adalah seperti berikut.
1. Setelah kunci asal dibuka keseluruhannya, ukur panjang jarak antara kunci dengan lubang kekunci.
Kunci yang telah di'robek' keluar
Ukur jarak utama
2. Dapatkan kunci jenis yang sama dari kedai hardware berhampiran. Anda sepatutnya mempunyai set seperti berikut. Set asal kunci mungkin tidak panjang. Dapatkan kunci yang panjangnya sama dengan kunci asal bagi mengelak perubahan pada pintu anda.
Set kunci pintu

3. Mulakan dengan memasang sendal kunci.

4. Buka/keluarkan tombol pintu seperti dibawah

Tekan pin ke bawah untuk keluarkan tombol seperti dibawah

5. Tarik keluar penutup kunci

6. Masukkan tombol pintu dan pastikan ruang kunci antara kunci dan tombol ter'lekat' @ masuk didalam ruang yang betul.

7. Kemudian, 'skru'kan penutup kunci seperti dua gambar dibawah

Selepas penutup kunci di 'skru' kan ke pintu.
 8. Tutup penutup kunci seperti dibawah

9. Akhir sekali, masukkan kembali tombol pintu dan pastikan ia masuk ke dalam ruang 'cakuk' yang tersedia seperti sebelum dikeluarkan.

10. Pintu anda telah siap diganti kunci. :)

Dan akhirnya, anda boleh tidur lena tanpa terkejut anak kacau program anda :)

Peralatan yang diguna pakai :)